Paid Recommendations

The easiest way to monetize your newsletter

Recommend amazing newsletters to your subscribers.
Get paid when they become happy readers.

Unlock easy revenue today
Unlocking $millions for the world's best newsletters...
photo of a young man with a beard

I love SparkLoop because I literally get paid to grow my own newsletter. And my audience loves the recommendations. It's the best deal ever!

Sam Klemens

The roll-up newsletter

Why the best newsletters use SparkLoop?

Amazing newsletters

that your audience will love are available to recommend only on SparkLoop

$millions paid out

to publishers every month. It's the monetization channel your audience will love most!

Earn 2-5x more

with SparkLoop than any other paid recommendations platform


How much revenue are you missing out on?

Start earning today

Your first payout is only a few clicks away...


Get matched with newsletters

Let our Smart Recommendations Algorithm figure out which newsletters your audience will love. Or go old-school and choose publications to recommend manually.

graphic of newsletter options
graphic of a newsletter recommendation widget

Enable our recommendations widget

Add our Upscribe recommendations widget to your website with two clicks. Each new subscriber to your newsletter will get personalized recommendations after opt-in. Guaranteed to maximise your earnings.


Recommend in your email sends

Boost newsletter revenue by featuring paid recommendations in your email sends, using partner links or our one-click Magic Link feature.

graphic of a newsletter recommendation widget in a phone
graphic of recommended newsletters in a phone

Unlock $thousands from your newsletter

You'll make an extra $2-3 per new subscriber on average. That's $thousands (or $millions) in easy extra revenue... earned in a way your existing audience will love!


We optimize, you earn

Our SRO algorithm does all the hard work of choosing recommendations and optimizing them for you dynamically based on performance.

You just sit back, relax, and let us boost your earnings over time.

graphic of newsletter growth over time

Mix in free recommendations, grow 3x faster!

Discover 10,000+ newsletters to recommend (and be recommended by) for free. Create a "sharing pod" of complementary newsletters and all grow together!

Graphic showing newsletters being recommended to each other
Photo of a young woman wearing glasses

A complete no-brainer for every newsletter operator. I've tried lots of different tactics to attract new Why We Buy readers — and Upscribe is by far the easiest growth channel. Team up with a few other newsletters and watch your audience take off!

Katelyn Bourgoin

Why We Buy Newsletter

Works with all major ESPS:

Apply today, earn tomorrow

The world's best newsletters earn $millions with SparkLoop paid recommendations. You should too.

Start earning today

Explode your own newsletter growth with paid recommendations

The world’s top newsletters use SparkLoop to grow their audiences via paid recommendations. It’s easy, zero-risk, and you only pay for quality, engaged readers.

graphic of a newsletter subscriber passing a quality criteria test


Is SparkLoop really free to use?
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Yes! You can create a publication and use SparkLoop to make and receive free/paid recommendations with no monthly subscription cost.

For paid recommendations, SparkLoop withholds a 20% commission plus small processing fee on your monthly payouts.

Does SparkLoop work with my email platform?
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Probably, yes! SparkLoop and our Upscribe recommendations widget works with nearly all "pro" newsletter platforms via a 2-click, no-code integration. This includes beehiiv, ConvertKit and Sailthru.

For ESPs we don't yet support, please contact our support to learn about custom integration options (where a small amount of coding is required).

Unfortunately Upscribe is not compatible with beginner platforms like Substack, SendFox or Ghost (yet) — they don't yet have the necessary functionality and API to support advanced growth tools like SparkLoop.

Can I customise my Upscribe widget/where it appears?
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Yes! You can fully customise your Upscribe widget and where it appears on your website.

How many newsletters can I recommend at once?
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You can choose unlimited newsletters to recommend. Both free and paid. We will show up to five of them in your Upscribe widget at once, and automatically optimise which recommendations to show so you get the best results.

Can I see which subscribers came from which recommending partner in my ESP?
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Yes! When a new subscriber is referred to your newsletter via Upscribe, we automatically store the ID of the recommending publication as a custom field in your ESP. So you can send them a custom welcome email or segment them however you please.

Can I invite other newsletters to recommend me? What if they use a different ESP?
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Yes — you'll grow fastest via Upscribe when you invite other newsletters you already know to partner up with you and recommend each other. It doesn't matter if you're using different email platforms. As long as they're compatible with Upscribe, you can recommend to each other no problem!

Why is the quality of subscribers from SparkLoop & Upscribe so high?
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At SparkLoop, we have industry-leading antifraud built specifically for our recommendations network. We also manually screen all participating newsletter partners to ensure you're only recommending (and being recommended by) amazing, high-quality newsletters.

Finally, our Smart Recommendations Algorithm and Upscribe widget are optimized to show the perfect recommendations to the right subscriber at the right time.

On average, subscribers acquired via SparkLoop and Upscribe are ~10-20% more likely to stay engaged than even organic subscribers!

How much can I earn using Upscribe to recommend paid publications?
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For most newsletter operators, the earning potential of Upscribe is life-changing. With zero ongoing work needed.

Many newsletter operators earn 6-figures per year from newsletter recommendations. With more than a handful earning $millions!

Check out the quick calculator (above) to predict your potential earnings.

Can I export my data?
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Yes! You can generate a full export from the dashboard anytime, no questions asked. We want you to use SparkLoop because it's the best recommendations network in the world — not because we're holding you hostage!

How can I pay newsletters to recommend my publication in their Upscribe widgets?
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This is incredibly easy to do — with a guaranteed ROI — via our Partner Program feature.