Partner Program

"The easiest way to grow a high-quality newsletter audience. Risk-free."

Get recommended by the world's best newsletters. Pay only for engaged, quality subscribers who fall in love with your publication.

Driving quality growth for the world's best newsletters...

Up to 100k new engaged subscribers

Acquire up to 100k quality, engaged subscribers each month

Unbeatable subscriber quality

Only pay for engaged readers who meet your quality criteria

Zero ongoing work, zero risk

Just sit back and watch new readers fall in love with your newsletter

Trusted by the best
Sahil Blooms curiosity chronicle newsletter logo
Morning Brew newsletter logo
1440 newsletter logo
Front office sportsnewsletter logo
Gist newsletter logo
Marketbeat newsletter logo
Stacked marketer newsletter logo

Hands-down the best subscriber acquisition channel for smart newsletter operators. You only pay for engaged subscribers... and I love how you can set your own screening criteria so you only get exactly the quality of subscriber you want.

Tyler Parker

The office party newsletter

Your new top-performing acquisition channel...


Define your ideal reader

Tell us exactly what you consider to be a valuable, engaged subscriber — and how much you want to pay for them. Everything from opens to clicks and even custom actions.

Graphic showing quality criteria for newsletter subscribers
Graphic showing selection of newsletter partners

Partner up with relevant newsletters

We'll match you with relevant partners from our carefully-vetted network of thousands of the world's best newsletters.

Or invite your own partners. From other newsletters to influencers, ambassadors and even your top referrers.


Get recommended by your partners

Your partners can recommend you in their own newsletters, on social media, and via our Upscribe widget to new subscribers post-opt-in.

Our industry-leading SRO algorithm ensures you're only recommended to "good-fit" subscribers at the right time.

graphic of recommendation widgets in email and after signup
graphic showing checklist of quality reader criteria

Keep & pay for only amazing subscribers

Recommended subscribers test out your newsletter for up to 28 days, risk free.

You only keep and pay for readers who fall in love with your newsletter and meet your quality/engagement criteria.


Watch your subscriber count & engagement explode

From month #1, SparkLoop will be your highest quality subscriber acquisition channel. Adding up to 100k engaged, target subscribers to your publication each month.

Sit back, relax, and let us optimize your program for you to maximise results.

graphic of newsletter growth metrics increasing

The real game-changer for our audience growth has been SparkLoop's paid recommendations network. We add thousands of highly-engaged subscribers every week. The quality is incredible!

Jason Woodruff

The pourover

The ultimate newsletter partnerships tool

Certification and vetting ribbon icon

Only amazing newsletters

Every single newsletter in our network is manually screened to ensure high quality.

Profile inside of shield icon

Advanced anti-fraud

Our industry-leading antifraud ensures you only receive genuine, quality subscribers

invitation icon

Invite your own partners

Influencers, other newsletters, ambassadors and top referrers. Invite anyone you want to your partner program.

Thumbs up icon

Custom quality & engagement screening

Build a screening profile that guarantees you only acquire valuable, engaged subscribers for your newsletter

email envelope with heart icon

Partner Links

Let your partners recommend you anywhere. Social media, in emails, at the super bowl...

Magic sparkle icon

Magic Links

Let partner newsletters recommend you with one-click (no bots) inside their emails

checkmark icon

Upscribe recommendations widget

Only be recommended to "the right" subscribers via our optimized recommendations widget

Speed dial icon

Pilot phase

Automatically test new partner newsletters with a small budget first to keep quality high

Integration icon

2-click ESP integration

Connect SparkLoop to your newsletter platform in seconds. No code-needed

Geo tag icon


Only pay for (and receive) subscribers in locations relevant to your newsletter goals.

Automated payment icon

Pay only for results

We automatically track and handle all payouts. You're only billed for amazing subscribers

bar graph icon

Advanced reporting

Understand exactly where your most engaged subscribers are coming from

Handshake icon

Account manager

Get hands-on advice & support from a dedicated newsletter growth expert

Recommend & Earn

Join the world's best newsletters earning $millions in extra revenue through paid recommendations

Discover paid recommendations
Graphic showing newsletters being recommended to each other