We got 50k new subscribers in 5 months!

Nicholas and hundreds of other creators grow their newsletters faster with a SparkLoop referral program. Just like Morning Brew and The Hustle.

Learn how you can join them with our free, 5-email course...

Plus... get a free 7-day trial of SparkLoop Pro!

Learn how to grow your newsletter 20-200% faster.

In 27 minutes.

You've seen how newsletters like Morning Brew, The Hustle and The Skimm grew to millions of subscribers with a referral program.

Now you want to do the same. To grow faster, boost subscriber engagement, and make more money. All without wasting your money or your time.

You came to the right place. At SparkLoop, we've helped hundreds of newsletter and info-product creators just like you to grow their email-lists with a referral program.

And — with our short, actionable 5-email course — you'll learn how to do the same. For free.

Including answers to all of your questions, like...

... is now the right time to add a referral program?
... how can you come up with (affordable) rewards that work?
... how to craft your referral emails so that people want to share?

...and much, much more!

It's everything you need to know to create a referral program that'll grow your email-list by 20-200%. So you can get back to doing what you do best. Creating amazing content that your subscribers love.

Plus, enroll for free today and get access to...

... a 30-day FREE trial of SparkLoop Pro
... our ultimate newsletter referral rewards library
... exclusive referral growth tips from the Morning Brew team
... the largest collection of newsletter referral program examples
... two totally free mini-tools to help grow your email-list

Plus... get a free 7-day trial of SparkLoop Pro!

SparkLoop is the fastest way to get a newsletter referral program — like TheSkimm and Morning Brew — up and running. I've tested different referral tools, but none is as easy to use or as cost effective as SparkLoop.

Dan Oshinsky

Inbox Collective

Or skip the course and start growing faster right now...

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