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Referral Tiers:
50+ referrals
20-50 referrals
Suitable For:
Broad-appeal newsletter
Creator newsletter
DTC/ecommerce newsletter
Local newsletter
Niche/B2B newsletter
Personal newsletter
Paid subscription/membership

Referral leaderboard glory

A referral leaderboard is a great way to spice up your regular milestone referral program with some (friendly) competition.

Including a list of the top 3-10 referrers in your newsletter (and maybe in regular social media posts) encourages your most ardent supporters to share more and reach the #1 spot.

What's more, sharing this list with all of your subscribers helps to "normalise" the sharing behaviour, resulting in significantly more subscribers who attempt to refer a friend.

You can even take things to the next level by giving prizes to the top place on the leaderboard at regular intervals (eg every few months).

Fulfilment instructions

With SparkLoop it's easy to see a list of your top referrers in real time and share this with your audience. You can also easily run giveaways to calculate the top referrers in any given time-period.

With SparkLoop it's easy to see a list of your top referrers in real time and share this with your audience. You can also easily run giveaways to calculate the top referrers in any given time-period.

Examples to steal:

⏱ We're still collecting examples of this reward type. Check back soon!

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Plan your perfect referral rewards program

Discover reward and giveaway ideas that'll explode your email-list growth with this free guide.

Including strategy, niche-specific examples, and the step-by-step process our team uses to build the most successful newsletter referral programs in the world.