The EU General Data Protection Regulation and the UK's General Data Protection Regulation (collectively, the "GDPR") are laws that protect the processing of individuals' personal data. SparkLoop is fully compliant with the GDPR and all other data protection laws.

Data Processing Addendum

We've updated our Data Processing Addendum (DPA) and Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) so we can continue to transfer and process personal data from the EU/EEA, UK, Switzerland, and other relevant countries to the U.S. You can access and sign our DPA here.

Right to be Forgotten and Other Data Subject Rights

If you receive a right to be forgotten request from one of your EU/EEA, UK, Swiss, or other subscribers located in countries with data protection laws that recognize the right to be forgotten, you can fill out the form here.

SparkLoop will then delete that subscriber and any records of them from your account and confirm with you once it's complete.

If you would like to request access to your data or exercise any other data subject rights, please get in touch with our legal team directly at

For more general questions, please contact our support team at

This page does not constitute legal advice and SparkLoop cannot answer questions about how the GDPR applies to customers.

Customers should seek independent counsel to answer any legal questions about how to comply with the GDPR and other data protection laws.